ECC Nihongo aims to develop employees’ communication skills

We train students to be able to communicate smoothly not only at work, but also in their day-to-day lives after arriving in Japan.
Our lessons focus not just on simply speaking Japanese, but rather on truly mastering it.

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Interview with ECC Japanese language students


The 3 benefits only ECC can provide

Key points are clearly explained in English

Using English to explain Japanese concepts that beginners find difficult makes the ideas easier to understand, and allows learners to comprehend the information more quickly and more correctly than if the explanations were made in Japanese.
Being able to use Japanese and English as necessary depending on the situation allows us to provide the best possible education for our students.


Lessons focus on actually using Japanese

ECC Nihongo lessons are designed to maximize student participation, and it is expected that students will be speaking 90% of the time with teachers only speaking 10% of the time.
In addition, the lessons are designed to be interactive and fast-paced, allowing learners to enjoy practicing their Japanese and preventing them from getting bored.
By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to use what they have learned during the lesson to express their own opinions.

Shorten your learning time with original teaching materials

ECC’s original teaching materials were developed with the aim of strengthening the four main language skills. Lessons focus mainly on “listening” and “speaking” skills, while “reading” and “writing” skills are improved through preparation and review.
Using standard Japanese learning materials, it takes approximately 528 hours* of lessons for a person with no experience in learning Japanese to become able to acquire the JLPT N3. However, with ECC’s original materials, only 400 hours of lessons are necessary.
※According to a study done by ECC








e-Learning exam preparation


We also offer an e-Learning system that can be used with smartphones and tablets.
Students can prepare for exams by answering practice questions that been produced through careful analysis of prior exam questions and exam trends.
The order of questions changes each time, allowing for repeated practice.

Why choose ECC Nihongo ?

ECC Nihongo is a one-stop service for Japanese language education starting from before students come to Japan and continuing afterwards.
We can tailor our lessons to help address any educational needs or concerns your company may have, such as employees having only a limited time to study before coming to Japan or needing to improve employees’ Japanese after their arrival in Japan.
Rather than simply improving a student’s general knowledge of Japanese or producing students who can only parrot the conversations they practiced in class, we work on cultivating Japanese language skills that enable students to have smooth, meaningful communication with Japanese people.
ECC has developed ECC Nihongo to provide solutions for companies that are facing difficulties relating to their foreign employees’ Japanese language skills.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Student’s Voices

※Excerpts from a survey conducted three months after course commencement

Please contact us!

We will work to provide you with the best possible study plan.
Please fill out the form with the planned number of students, duration, amount of study-hours, and your goals and objectives for the course.